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8 tips for shooting portrait photography like a professional

8 tips for shooting portrait photography like a professional

One of the most important elements of today's generation is photography. Young people are looking to capture images that manifest professionalism. When it comes to portrait photography, it is advisable to capture the essence of the protagonist. It is important to look at the pose, mood, facial expression, and gaze in order to understand the person in front of us.


The shot is key


Usually, portrait photographs show the person's face in the foreground. However, you can try and experiment with other angles such as the full shot or the American shot. You can even dare to use effects and blur the background of the photograph to add a more technical touch.


Choosing the perfect location


Although the person being photographed is the focus of the image, we cannot forget about the background. The image is composed of the person being photographed and everything that is behind. It is not the same to use a neutral and plain background to give importance to the subject, than to capture the individual in front of a more striking landscape.


Keeping an eye on the light


When you take a photo, light is an element to always keep in mind. It is essential to avoid direct light or dark spaces. You have to find a middle ground where the light allows you to focus on details such as skin, eyes or lips. To do this, it is necessary to pay attention to the time of day. The ideal times for outdoor portraits are sunrise and sunset.


Emphasize the eyes and pay attention to details


We recommend to emphasize the eyes because through the eyes of a person it is possible to transmit the feelings and emotions that the individual is experiencing. In addition, to get a great photo, it is advisable to pay attention to the details: bad hair, fluff, irregular make-up... To avoid all kinds of insignificant mistakes that interfere with the quality of the photo.



Get to know the person and be patient


Before starting the session, it is essential to have a conversation with the model and empathize. It is important to understand his/her opinion, analyze his/her mood and even his/her character. It is also advisable to explain what you are looking for, what your objectives are so that he/she knows how to pose. It takes a good amount of hours and effort to achieve excellent results, therefore it is necessary to be patient.

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